• Dottie's Sponsorship Club

    Meet Dottie! IVDM recently adopted a Sonoran Desert Tortoise, we are excited to announce Dottie's Sponsorship Club is now available to help support her care and be updated on all things Dottie, including a separate monthly newsletter!

  • IVDM: Rocky Start to Firm Foundations

    NOW ON DISPLAY- Imperial Valley Desert Museum: Rocky Start to Firm Foundations, an exhibition celebrating the history of IVDM and its original founders; come celebrate 50 years of IVDM!

  • Adventures After Dark!

    FREE COMMUNITY EVENT- Saturday, August 24, 2024, from 7:00PM-10:00PM

    Join us as we celebrate and appreciate the roles of local insects, arthropods, and nocturnal animals! We will be having presentations, guided hikes, display, activities, food, and drinks.

  • Alejandro Brittes: Book Presentation & Acoustic Set

    Friday, August 30, 2024, from 7:00Pm-10:00PM

    Join us for an evening with Alejandro Brittes, instrumentalist, composer, researcher and interpreter of music from the Argentine coast.

    General Admission $25.00 (Children 12 & Under- Free Admission) Tickets available on Eventbrite!

  • The Imperial Valley Desert Museum is a new facility in the heart of the Yuha Desert housing Indigenous and historic artifacts found within the Imperial Valley and surrounding region. Opening a new museum in the twenty-first century, we do not want to be seen as an exhibit within four walls, but to engage and interact outside of the limitations of the "box" – both metaphorically and physically.

    OUR MISSION is to preserve, interpret, and celebrate the deserts of Southern California through outstanding collections, research, and educational programs.

    OUR VISION is to be the foremost research and educational institution devoted to the preservation, interpretation, and celebration of the deserts of Southern California.

    LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We, the Imperial Valley Desert Museum, recognize our place on the traditional lands of the Kumeyaay who have been here, as they say, 'since the beginning', with a vibrant and rich history dating back over 10,000 years. The lands of Imperial and San Diego County include the traditional lands of many Indigenous groups composed of Quechan, Cahuilla, CoCoPah, Pai Pai, and Kumeyaay. Each of these groups are still present and active today.

    Visit Us

    11 Frontage Rd
    Ocotillo, CA 92259

    Hours of Operation




    Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time. Check back again soon!